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HomeMembership Types and Benefits

Membership and Sponsorship Information

Membership Types

Sponsorship Types

Individual Membership ($25)

Membership is open to any individual who lives in the towns of Concord or Carlisle Massachusetts. Once a member you can participate in any and all CCN activities and are entitle to member discounts (when applicable) for activities which have a cost.

Household Membership ($50)

Household Membership is open to any household of up to two adults who live in the towns of Concord or Carlisle Massachusetts. You can have two member accounts on the CCN website and the ability to sign up for different events as individuals. Once a member you can participate in any and all CCN activities and are entitle to member discounts (when applicable) for activities which have a cost.

Non-Profit Organization Membership ($100)

This is a sponsoring membership for a non-profit organization, and includes: 

  • A special interest group page with your information on it
  • A blog (linked to your page)
  • A link on the community page on our site
  • A sponsorship ad (300x300px)
  • Two member accounts on the CCN website

We also encourage you to have your designated liaison attend our events and meetings to promote your organization. 

Acceptance for membership is subject to approval by the board of Concord-Carlisle Neighbors.

General Sponsor ($500)

As a general sponsor, your benefits include:

1. Access to our network.

Your ad will appear on the general pages of our website for one year. 

2.CCN Membership

All the benefits of membership for one family for one year. See our website calendar for the latest activities and events. Join an interest group. Meet your neighbors.

You may place a 300x300 pixel advertisement on our general pages and our sponsor page, along with a link to your website.

Interest Group Sponsor ($250)

As an interest group advertiser, your benefits include:

1. Access to our network.

Your ad will appear on the interest group pages of your choice for one year. 

2.CCN Membership

All the benefits of membership for one family for one year. See our website calendar for the latest activities and events. Join an interest group. Meet your neighbors.

You may choose to advertise on the pages of one of our popular interest groups, including Gourmet Club, Family Biking, Running Group, Men’s Poker, Book Clubs, X-Country Skiing, Ladies Golf, Art Salon and others (see Interests and Activities for current options). Your advertisement will be a 300x300 pixel graphic with a link to your website.

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