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HomeInterests and Activities

Interests and Activities

This is a list of interest categories and the interests within each category. Click on an interest to learn more about that item. If you are logged in, you will also see the members who have declared that interest, with a link to their member directory entry. Click the "More Info" link info to view additional information about the interest group.

Food and Wine

Do you enjoy good food and wine? If you like to cook, or if you just enjoy eating well and good conversation, we have great options for you!
20 Members
Groups of 8-10 people (5 couples or singles) meet every second month to jointly prepare and enjoy a themed fine meal with friends –new and old. We provide the menus, recipes and a matching wine selection list. Couples/Singles are assigned to either host, prepare one or more dishes, or purchase the wine –at discount from a local retailer. Ingredient alternatives are provided, as much as possible, to accommodate dietary restrictions/allergies.
Coordinator: Linda Mueller
4 Members
Leader: Mary Chambers Join us for dinner! We love our local restaurants. The Dining Out Group meets at 6:30 on the first Monday of the month (excluding holiday Mondays - check the CCN calendar for updates). We have couples and singles and everyone gets their own check at the end of the meal. Dinner locations are determined month by month.

Book Clubs

Book lovers, rejoice! We have evening and day time book groups for you to enjoy and meet new friends and ideas.
2 Members
"Between the Lines“ Book club Leader: Maria Prokocimer "Between the Lines" meets once a month to discuss a book. Our meeting is usually on the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month from 10 AM -noon. A reminder will be sent to all who’ve signed up for this group approximately a week before each meeting. Each participant usually brings some food or drink to share such as, cold drinks, appetizers, desserts, etc., so members, if they choose, can eat and chat for the first 1/2 hour prior to a full-on book discussion. Please feel free to be a ‘sometime’ member if a particular book strikes your interest! For more information, please email Maria Prokocimer. You must be a paid-up member of Concord-Carlisle Neighbors to participate. Click here to join.
4 Members
Group Leader: Yvonne Sandell We meet once a month to discuss a book. Our meetings are usually the second Wednesday of the month at 10 am. Our group meets in one member’s home and we share coffee and a light snack. Join us for any or all of the discussions, whether you’ve read the book or not! Please email Yvonne for more information and the location of the meeting.
1 Members
Leader: Judy Hodges The Evening Gourmet Book Group meets once a month to discuss a book. Our meeting is usually on thefourth (4th) Wednesday of each month from 7 to 9 pm. An eVite reminder is sent to all who’ve signed up for this group approximate a week or more before each meeting. Each participant usually brings something to share such as, wine, cold drinks, appetizers, desserts, etc., so members, if they choose, can eat and chat for the first 1/2 hour prior to a full-on book discussion. Please feel free to be a ‘sometime’ member if a particular book strikes your interest! For more information, please email Judy Hodges

Intellectual Pursuits

Like to challenge your mind? These may be for you.
1 Members
Leader: Maria Prokocimer Bonjour! We are looking for folks interested in starting a French conversation group around morning coffee or lunch. For more information, please email Maria Prokocimer.
3 Members
Art Salon Leaders: Mary Chambers and Judy Hodges The Art Salon consists of artists and art lovers who meet regularly to see new gallery exhibitions or art museums together. Every meeting is open to all CCN members and their guests. Planned meeting dates will be published on the Newsletter and the Website. Check out our recent adventures on the CCN Facebook Page. Contact Mary Chambers at or Judy Hodges at Judy Hodges for more information on our upcoming gatherings

Outdoor Activities

If you love being outside, whether to exercise or just appreciate nature, we have something for you.
1 Members
Leader: Dan Stapleton Close your computer, slow down, and take a breath of fresh air. The goal of this group is to get outside, go for a walk, and open our awareness to nature. The purpose of any given walk can range from an unstructured stroll on a nice day, to seeing what kinds of birds or trees or whatever else we can find. Nature Appreciation meets irregularly as weather and schedules allow. The objective is to meet at least once a quarter. Email Dan Stapleton for more information.
0 Members
Do you enjoy running? If you do, and you’d like to run with other Newcomers members, email Janine. Janine will coordinate this group and let you know when and where to meet! You must be a paid-up member of Concord-Carlisle Neighbors to participate
Coordinator:  Janine Olson

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